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Maintenance measures of sanitary tile in Qizhao

How to build a clean and bright bathroom

Tips 1: anti seepage and anti mildew measures for ceramic tiles

The walls of bathroom are paved with ceramic tiles. In order to keep them clean and bright, multifunctional decontamination paste can be used for cleaning. As for the ceramic tile gap, you can use a toothbrush dipped in a little decontamination cream to remove scale, and then brush a waterproof agent with a brush at the gap. This can not only prevent seepage, but also prevent mold growth.

Trick 2: clean the glass skillfully

Smooth mirrors and windows will be watermarked and blurred due to long-term intimate contact with water. Spray a glass cleaner to spray a large X shape on a piece of glass, fold the twisted cloth, and rub it in one direction until the glass is dried seven times, then wipe it again with a dry cloth. Can also be used to wipe old newspapers, paper ink can make glass as bright as before, but also stubborn dirt can be wiped away.

Trick 3: perfect unloading of faucet

Faucet shower will often be stained with a variety of shower gel, shampoo, detergent, etc., these washing products will make the chrome plated surface of the faucet become dull. You can spray a neutral detergent on a soft cotton cloth and gently wipe the tap once a week. Do not use acid or abrasive detergent, wire brush to "torture" the faucet.

Trick four: make a whitening mask for toilets.

First, put appropriate amount of water into the toilet, clean the toilet with a brush, and then pour in about 5-10 ml of detergent or hydrochloric acid solution, and then brush it with a brush. If the dirt is heavy, you can add a little detergent to soak it and then brush it until it is clean, and then rinse it with clean water.

Bright ceramics

There is also a convenient and environmentally friendly way to clean sanitary ware, which is to use white vinegar and lemon peel. First clean the dirt on the surface of the sanitary ware, and then use a soft cloth dipped in a little white vinegar to wipe the surface of the sanitary ware or wipe it with lemon peel. It only takes a while, and the sanitary ware will be as bright as new, and it will emit a fragrance.

How to build indoor "oxygen bar"

Nowadays, the "negative ion" air is popular. You can raise some shade loving plants and buy an oxygen bar brick. An oxygen bar brick similar to the mural can play the role of fresh air like plants. It doesn't need to be taken care of. It can also be decorated to make the bathroom an "oxygen bar". You might as well try it.

Trick 7: create elegant fragrance

There are many kinds of air fresheners on the market. You can choose according to your preference. Just imagine how relaxed and comfortable the mood will be when the guests use the bathroom equipment in the elegant fragrance and the melodious music comes from their ears at the same time. In addition, the simplest way to purify the air in the bathroom is to put a cup of vinegar or a box of cool oil with open lid in the bathroom, and the odor will disappear naturally.


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