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Small details of joint reservation and joint filling of ceramic tile paving

Ceramic tile is an indispensable main material in home decoration, especially for the southern area where people often return to the south. When owners decorate, the public areas tend to choose ceramic tiles. And the more humid areas in the residence, such as balcony, kitchen, bathroom, whether it is the ground or wall, ceramic tile is almost the only choice. In the past, when we talked about ceramic tile, we often talked about the selection and paving of main materials, while some small details were often ignored, such as seam reservation and caulking. If you can carefully consider these small details of the tile paving and caulking, the effect of decoration must be more impressive in the details.

Seam and seamless

With regard to joint reservation, it is natural that different types of bricks have different width standards. Many people think that the work of tile paving should be done by professional workers, but in fact, the owner should communicate with the master worker and make requirements according to the type of tiles they choose. Because different seam width will produce different effect, directly affect the aesthetic feeling of the area.

Some owners are more "willful", do not like the gap between tiles, to pursue "seamless splicing". But out of the consideration of natural factors such as thermal expansion and cold contraction, it is necessary to do the work of leaving seam in the paving of ceramic tile. If there is no gap or the width of the gap is not enough, once thermal expansion and cold contraction occur, the porcelain pieces will squeeze each other to form bulge or peel off. In addition, another advantage of seam is that it can eliminate the influence of tile product size deviation.

Since it is necessary to leave a gap, how wide is the appropriate gap? In fact, the width of the gap required for different porcelain pieces is also different; and the width of the seam varies with different effects.

In foreign paving specifications, 2 mm mortar joint must be left between ceramic tiles. In China, there are many types of ceramic tiles, and the standard of seam retention varies with "brick": generally, the seam of polished brick paving is about 3mm, that of porcelain tile paving is 2-5mm, and that of antique brick is the widest, about 5-8mm.

In addition to "brick" different, in different areas of laying, there are also different suggestions for joint. For example, in the kitchen and bathroom area, generally speaking, the wall tile seam width is 1-1.5 mm, while the floor tile seam width is 1.5-2 mm, it is not recommended to leave too wide, otherwise it is easy to accumulate dirt.

For the owners who do not like the gap, although it is impossible to achieve complete seamless, but according to the category of ceramic tile, or can choose "narrow seam". When Xiaolin, the owner of the house, chose the gray antique brick for the floor tiles. She preferred the simple splicing method and liked to be close to the "seamless" texture. Therefore, Tang Gong, a famous craftsman, gave her the suggestion of leaving a "natural seam" for laying ceramic tiles - simple narrow seams, and the effect is simple. Some inclined to American style antique floor tile laying, will leave some wide gap, with the United States seam agent, the effect is very beautiful.

Part 2

Caulking and beauty sewing

After the ceramic tile is laid and pasted, the joint needs to be filled. Generally, the joint filling shall wake up 24 hours after the completion of tiling, and the lime soil cleaning between the gaps shall be done before the joint filling.

The commonly used joint filling materials include white cement, putty powder, joint sealer, and joint beauty agent. Among them, white cement and putty powder are traditional joint filling materials. The effect of these two kinds of materials is OK in a short time, but it will fall off after a long time. And because of the poor waterproof performance, it is easy to lead to the black and mildew of the brick joint after being used in the humid environment for a long time. Therefore, nowadays, the special sealant for ceramic tile is used more and more in home decoration. Joint sealer is a kind of dry powder material with white cement as the main material, adding a small amount of inorganic pigment, polymer and micro fungicide. It can be divided into sand type and non sand type. The former is mainly used in wide brick joints, and the latter is mainly used in narrow brick joints. It has better adhesion than traditional materials such as white cement, and has higher wear resistance and better strength after drying.

However, ceramic special sealant lack of water-proof, often in the humid environment of the bathroom area, or there will be cracks mildew, blackening. Therefore, the beauty sewing agent came into being. The decoration style of Xiaolin's new home is Nordic style. She wants to stick white small square bricks with black seam on the wall of the kitchen. Due to the conventional sealant is white, if you want to fill the seam is black, you need to add toner for blending, the process is relatively complex. Therefore, to achieve the desired effect of black filler in the final sewing, the black agent is recommended to be used.

The beauty joint agent is an upgrade product of the sealant. Its decoration and practicability are obviously better than that of the color sealant. At the same time, it also solves the problems of unsightly and dirty black of ceramic tile joints. When filling the joint with sealant, you can choose two ways: full filling or half filling. When full filling, the gap of ceramic tile is empty, and directly fill with beauty joint agent, but generally it needs to be done for two or three times or more times, with higher cost. When the tile is half filled, the gap of the tile is filled with sealant, and then the edge of the ceramic tile is cleaned out with the joint cleaning tool, and the beauty joint agent is injected once. The cost is low.

It is especially suitable for use in wet areas such as kitchen and bathroom. After completion, the ceramic formed by the gap has good texture and beautiful appearance, which can solve the problem of black and moldy cracks. And beauty sewing agent optional color rich, can be based on the color and texture of different tiles to coordinate with. If you want to say that the disadvantages of the United States seam sealer, that is, the price is more expensive, decoration costs will be far higher than the use of ordinary sealant. For example, the Xiaolin family has one kitchen and two bathrooms, and the kitchen and bathroom area is about 20 square meters. The cost of materials and labor for all the beautiful sewing items is two or three


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